Hey There!!

Just out of curiosity, what do you guys do when no matter how hard you try, you just cannot sleep at nights and you have no reason to stay awake!!!
One thing many of us do is to be online and chat with friends. And then, there comes a time when you have some 5-6 people online, who are just like you (sleepless) and yet you don’t ping them ‘coz you haven’t talked to them for a long time and have no idea what to talk and where to begin. So these people are sort of invisible for you. Then you start thinking, “Now what!!”
Yeah, this is my story, a sad one I would say.. Nothing new, right? 😉
Then I came up with writing a blog. And the first thing that came into my mind was writing a technical one. And yes, I did. I did start writing one. Just in case you want to go through it, you can find it right here.
Phewww!!! Writing technical stuff is much difficult than I had imagined, you just can’t write ‘anything’ that comes into your mind!! Moreover, there are people all around, who, you know are better than you for that technical ‘GYAN’.
So I came up with writing something random, the things that come into my mind and the funny things I see going on around me. Does that mean this is always going to be funny!!! Well, I don’t know. This will be all about the things that comes into my mind and I have no idea of what these ‘things’ are going to be…
And about the thing you see in your address bar on the top, I have no idea why I gave my blog this name, just came up with it. Because I know that THIS CAN BE WEIRD. Me writing something!!! Yeah!! It will be!!

Find my recent post’s in the “Freshly Pressed” section on the left panel.
Find more about me here.
PS: DO NOT hesitate to follow my blog if you REALLY like it!!

  1. mansi says:

    hi i just turned 20 this year and well i happened to come across your post “the quater-life crisis” on quora and turns out your post exactly how i feel right now. its good to know that there are people out there who feel just as i do.

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